About Us
Anne & Dick
Over fifty years ago Dick and Anne Bunch purchased 10 acres of property in the country. The property included a farmhouse, chicken coop, fruit trees and a wonderful big barn. The Bunch’s had five young children and bought the property for the primary purpose of raising the children where they could have animals that required learning to responsibly care for them. They picked strawberries for local growers, picked and sold apples and cherries from their own trees, raised chickens, cocker spaniel puppies, sold eggs and had cows that required attention before and after school.
When the farm was re-zoned from “farmland” to “industrial” it was then included within the Urban Growth Boundary which allowed for storage. In 1994, the Bunch’s realized their location, one minute from Sunset Hwy/Hwy 26, just might be convenient for those wanting to store recreational vehicles.
Their first step was to install a fence around the perimeter. They did some limited advertising and their kitchen initially doubled as an office. Then their valued tenants began to ask for covered storage. A contractor constructed the first building and as each building neared capacity another one was built. And so the story goes…
Meet Our Staff
Kathi is our manager and has lived on the property for several years. She initially agreed to move onto the property to watch over the facility and act as security. After a few months we could see that Kathi would be a huge asset in the office and we were right.
Kathi actually likes working with the computer. We acquired a new storage software program and Kathi took the initiative to learn the program and not grumble. She previously worked in the insurance industry in Oregon and finds the storage business interesting as well as ever changing. We’re very grateful for Kathi. She is great with our tenants and keeps the office running smoothly.
Julie is a native Oregonian. She came to work for Bunch’s RV & Boat Storage in 1999. Over the years, Julie has worked one to two days per week and spends many hours per month “behind the scenes” helping to keep things running smoothly.
Julie also works as a corporate flight attendant and appreciates that she can call on the other wonderful office staff employees to cover for her when she travels as a flight attendant.
Janet is the newest member of the Bunch’s RV & Boat Storage office team. Originally from California, she moved to Oregon with her husband and three children in 2008. The two oldest are young adults and the youngest is now a teenager.
In addition to spending time with her family, Janet enjoys vacation planning, camping throughout the Pacific Northwest and watching sports…especially baseball! Janet has a natural passion for helping others and sharing stories. She enjoys being a part of our team, making connections with our tenants whether they stop in the office for assistance or to simply say “hello” and share a camping/boating story.
Michelle moved West from Kansas in 1989 and built a log cabin with her husband. Michelle worked for several years before deciding to stay home with the children. Now that they are grown, she decided to do some job sharing in the office of Bunch’s RV & Boat storage.
Michelle is new to the RV storage business and is learning more about the business each day.